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If one were to go back in time, a hundred and fifty years ago, you would find that the Posada Manuel de Lobo was one of the first hotels in the city of Colonial del Sacramento. Our Posada remains in the same architectural style that was characteristic of the Spanish houses of the XlX century.

Today, along with the atmosphere of that period of time, we offer all the comforts and services of today's world.

The Posada is located on the border between downtown and the old

neighborhood. The old city has been recognized by the UNESCO and was given the title of "Cultural Heritage of Mankind".


The Posada Manuel de Lobo wishes to extend an open invitation for you to stay with us and enjoy the serenity and beauty of a colonial setting along with the comforts of a modern hotel.



We have 8 rooms which offer different levels of comfort

Room Service

Continental Breakfast

A central lobby with cable T.V. and fireplace

Garden Patio for lounging


Medical service is available

Child care


We have special rooms (with Jacuzzi), double room with 2 beds, Double Double, Triple (1 double bed and 1 single bed) and a special Twin Room Triple (3 beds)

Hotel Posada Manuel de Lobo Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay, cheap hotel in the historic center of Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay. Cheap hotel in Colonia. Accommodation at the hotel Posada Manuel de Lobo in Colonia del Sacramento. Online reservations at the cheap hotel Manuel de Lobo.

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